Nanolex Si 3D HD Set
The High Density version of Si3D displays a variety of additional benefits by blending both organic and inorganic Polysilazane, equipping our accredited customers with an unmatched, uncompromising product regarding easy to clean properties, hydrophocity, durability and hardness.
Containing a maximum solids content, the formulation is state of the art by incorporating only the finest organic and inorganic ceramic precursors specifically designed for automotive use, all packed in only one product, with no more than one layer required to achieve the maximum result.
Due to the highly upgraded density of the coating, excellent resistance and hardness is achieved, resulting in an increased protection against harsh chemicals and cleaning agents, as well as corrosion.
The incorporated UV-blocking/absorbing system ensures protection from environmental impacts and UV-induced degradation, completing the protective capacity of the coating.
Nanolex Si3D HD was designed, and is available, for professional customers looking for a coating with the highest durability, performance and hardness resulting from a single layer application only.
Nanolex Si3D HD was developed, tested and produced in Germany.
very high density coating extremely resistant against chemical attack increased scratch resistant much easier to clean surface *highly hydrophobic surface